22 Ottobre 2024
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Informativa Privacy
INFORMATION SHEET IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 13 OF LEGISLATIVE DECREE 196/2003 (Personal Data Protection Code) and Articles 13-14 of EU Reg. 679/2016

In order to comply with the law on "privacy", we inform you about the use of your personal data and your rights (art. 13 D.lgs. 30June 2003, n.196). Our company, in order to provide the services requested by you

Our Company, in order to provide the services requested by you and in your favour, must acquire or already hold personal data concerning you. The purposes and methods of the processing of your personal data are as follows


consent for the processing of data, possibly even sensitive data (Art. 4 of Legislative Decree no.196/2003 and Art.9 of EU Reg.679/2016)which considers sensitive, for example, data relating to health status

political and trade union opinions and religious beliefs) strictly necessary for the above services. The data, provided by you or by other subjects, are used by our Firm/Company only

with methods and procedures strictly necessary to provide you with the above-mentioned services. The data provided by you or the result of processing in the performance of the services listed above may be

communicated to public subjects within the framework of the envisaged regulations. Any further communication or dissemination will take place only with your explicit consent. Without the data referred to in the previous paragraph,

we would be unable to guarantee the fulfilment of our legal obligations and would therefore be unable to provide you with our services, either in whole or in part. For our processing operations we use

"managers" and "appointees" for their respective areas of competence. The complete list of data processors is constantly updated and can be obtained free of charge by making a simple request.

Pursuant to Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Articles 15-22 of EU Regulation 679/2016, you have the right to know, at any time, what data we hold on you and how it is used.

You also have the right to have your data updated, supplemented, corrected or deleted, to have them blocked and to object to their processing. CONSENT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 23 OF D.

LGS 196/2003 and art.7 of EU Reg. 679/2016) Having acknowledged the information with which, in order to comply with the law on "privacy", we have informed you about the use of your personal data and about your personal data.

and your rights, we ask you to give your consent (by ticking one of the boxes below) to the processing of the data described in the information notice. In accordance with the provisions of

Legislative Decree 196/2003 on the protection of personal data.
Privacy privacy policy updated on 29/05/2019 16:27
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