27 Luglio 2024

San Vivaldo is the "Jerusalem" of Tuscany

san vivaldo
We'II start from Volterra following the signs for Pisa, at the roundabout
(Conad supermarket) we'II take the second exit and continue on the SP15 for about 9 Km until the crossroads of Molino d'Era.
We'II turn right and we go beyond the bridge and we'II keep the left following the signs for Florence.
After about 400 meters we'II turn left towards Villamagna. At the entrance of the town we'II turn right and arrive at a small square where we'II turn left onto the SP113 towards lano.
We'II continue on the SP 113 up to San Vivaldo, a small village mentioned in a 16th century document of Capta in of Parte Guelfa, crossing a vast wooded area we can visit the Sacred Mount of San Vivado also called the "Jerusalem ofTuscany" whose origins date back to the 1300s as a hermitage of the Franciscan Vivaldo Stricchi from San Gimignano.
In 1497 the Franciscan friars transformed the hermitage into a convent.
Between 1500 and 1515 Fra Tommaso da Firenze conceived the "Jerusalem ofTuscany" to give the population the possibility to be able to make a pilgrimage without having to go to Jerusalem.
The chapels were originally 25 but today there are 18, they are arranged so as to follow exactly the Jerusalem of the fifteenth century.
We'II take the SP65 unti I we'II reach Il Castagno, we'II continue on the SP4 until we'II reach the crossroads with the SPl 5 and follow the direction to Volterra.

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