27 Luglio 2024

Teatro del Silenzio

teatro del silenzio
Teatro del Silenzio and Montecatini Val di Cecina
We'II start from Volterra and follow the signs far Pisa.
At the roundabout (Conad supermarket) we take second exit and continue on the SP15 to the crossroads of Molino d'Era where we'II turn right onta the SP439 until we cross the bridge aver the Ragone stream.
At the crossroads we turn left towards Saline di Volterra up to Vilaggio San Giovanni where we'II turn right onta the SP45 towards Lajatico, we'II continue on via dell'Uccelliera unti I we reach the "theatre of silence" lt is an open-air theater that exploits the natural conformation of a hill adjacent to the village of Lajatico. Founded in 2006 by the famous tenor Andrea Bocelli, a native of the piace.
lt hosts only one show per year, of worldwide resonance and the scenography vari es every year, depending on the theme.

We'II return to the SP45 until Villaggio San Giovanni and we turn right on SP439 for about 1 O km and turn again right on SP32 for about 5 km until we arrive at Montecatini val di Cecina, a small village known before the Xl century as Monte Leone that was contended between Pisa and Volterra, but at the end became under the control of Florence in 1472.
Walking through the alleys of the historic center we can also see the Castle, the Belforti Tower
(11 th century) and Palazzo Pretorio.
The visit to the mining museum is certainly interesting and recommended.
The mine, locateci just over a kilometer from the town center, was already exploited by the Etruscans for the extraction of copper and today it is partly open to visitors.
We return to the SP32 up to the crossroads with the SP439. We turn right and after about 1 km we'II turn left onto the SP16 unti I taking the 5568 where we'II turn towards Volterra.

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